Member-only story
Bitcoin vs The American Dollar
Cryptocurrency will not be accepted in the US, and CBDC will.

Is Bitcoin securing its future as the next dominant currency to replace the American dollar? As some of you might have heard, many were convinced to buy into this digital coin’s idealism because of that possibility, which caused a frenzy and became an overnight phenomenon, soaring in value.
How can Bitcoin be affected when the banks eventually convert to digital currency? Many, including myself, are invested in the future of this digital coin. Some of us cannot trust the future of the US dollar, and for now, Digi coins are a suitable commodity. Then again, how secure will Bitcoin be once the banks decide they should be the only money around town? This is the first time this has been seen since the 1700s, which is why the Coinage Act of 1792 was in effect. With two currencies fighting for survival. Who will win this time?
Consider this scenario: If I were to open up shop and start printing US currency, would it not mean I have created counterfeit? I would be competing with the US government mint, and it would mean that I have cheated the system, and guess who would go to jail?
Mathematical computation is remastering the US dollar, and privacy is over.
~ Julio Borroto